

Students desiring to enroll in 朱丽亚扩展 must have an appropriate visa. 茱莉亚学院不会为任何此类签证提供担保. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm with the Office of International Advisement that their immigration and/or visa status permits enrollment in Extension courses prior to enrolling. For a chart on visa categories and the ability to study in the US, please refer to: http://www.nafsa.org/_/File/_/sevp_who_can_study.pdf.


In the event that the standards and codes of esball世博 are violated, the School will address these violations by conducting a full investigation and instituting disciplinary action when the School deems it necessary. Any student and/or his or her guest for whom the student is responsible found to be in violation of any of these policies, 规则, 规章制度可能会受到警告和/或纪律处分. Any member of the Juilliard community may file an anonymous report of an infraction. 这所学校 will independently investigate all reports. In keeping with Juilliard's goal to provide a safe environment, 推广主任, 教务长和院长, the vice president for enrollment and student development, 学生事务主任, 学生事务助理院长, or their designee(s) may act immediately in the best interests of the Juilliard community in situations that threaten the health, 茱莉亚学院学生的安全和福利, 人员, 和财产.

The aforementioned individuals or their designees may suspend immediately from the Juilliard community any student who is deemed to be a threat to the community.


The director of Extension will review alleged violations of any Juilliard policy and will determine the extent of the violation and the form of adjudication based on the nature and severity of the offense. Policy violations for Extension will be adjudicated by administrative hearing when deemed necessary. 另外, 学生可以选择放弃听证的权利, take responsibility for conduct violations and accept sanctions through administrative agreement. Cases of academic misconduct will be reviewed by the director of Extension.

Standards of Fairness and Student Rights in Disciplinary Cases

esball世博 respects and is determined to protect the individual dignity, 完整性, 以及学生的声誉. 同时, it requires that students comply with those conventions and 监管s of student life that are necessary to maintain order, 保护个人和财产, and to fulfill its purposes and responsibilities as an institution of higher learning. Juilliard seeks to create for students a positive living and learning environment. 为了这个目的, the model for disciplinary procedures that Juilliard adopts is that of the administrative/educational process, 而不是刑事或民事法庭.


Any judicial decision may be appealed to the dean of academic affairs, provost and dean, or designee. Judicial sanctions may be modified through the appeals process. 所有基于上诉的决定都是最终决定. 上诉 will only be considered on the following basis:

  • The existence of newly discovered evidence not available at the time of the hearing.
  • 实质性违规, 错误, or error in the procedures established for conducting hearings has occurred, which would have significantly altered the outcome of the hearing.
  • The original sanctions are unjust or inappropriate for the violations.


违反了茱莉亚学院的任何规定, 规则, 监管, or code may result in one or more of the following disciplinary sanctions:

  • 审稿人酌情决定的处罚包括, 但不限于道歉信, 赔偿或任何其他被认为适当的处罚, 包括终止项目.
  • 口头警告.
  • Written warning: this warning becomes part of the student’s permanent record. 
  • Loss of certain privileges (as deemed appropriate by the reviewer). 
  • 货币的罚款. 
  • Disciplinary probation: This status becomes part of the student’s permanent record. The student’s behavior is monitored closely and the student may be restricted from participating in school activities. Any further violation of the Student Code of Conduct while on this status may result in immediate action, 包括但不限于, 停职或开除学籍.
  • Suspension: A student may be required to take a leave of absence for a specified period of time.
  • Expulsion: A student is permanently prohibited from enrolling at esball世博.
  • Persona non grata (barred from Juilliard campus): A student is not permitted in the Juilliard building. Failure to adhere to this sanction may result in arrest for trespassing.

This is not an all-inclusive list of possible sanctions and other sanctions may be imposed.

违反了制裁条款, or failure to comply with or complete sanctions by the assigned deadlines may result in further disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.


这所学校 complies with the FERPA and does not disclose, unless such disclosure falls within one of the exceptions. 在一般情况下, 根据学校政策和联邦法律, information about disciplinary proceedings against a student is confidential and may not be disclosed to others. 然而, in certain cases involving allegations of gender-based misconduct (including sexual harassment, 性侵犯, 基于性别的骚扰, 跟踪和亲密伴侣暴力), 学院须披露聆讯结果. 学生应咨询不当性行为 & Harassment Policy and Adjudication Procedure or contact the School’s Title IX Coordinator for 规则 in these cases.

A copy of the charges and disciplinary hearing response are kept in the student's confidential educational file within the School.